In the meantime for the Flow Chart Calculator FCC a.o. the following standard rule sets and calculations are available:
- GHS: Mixtures are classified according to UN (Forth Revised Edition) and EU (CLP Regulation) legislation. CLP classification available for all hazard classes.
- SDS: Master allocation, DNEL/PNEC- and (eco-) toxdata of ingredients, comments in Section 11 in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/830
- Detergents Regulation (grouping of ingredients, data sheets)
- Designation of biocidal active substances
- Decopaint Directive (VOC content calculation, comparison wirth product categories)
- VOC contents according to EC Solvent Directive and Swiss steering tax (VOCV)
- Categorisation and tonnage thresholds according to Directive 2012/18/EU (Seveso III)
- Heavy metal contents in accordance with CONEG resp. Dir. 94/62/EEC and EN 71-3
- Contents of halogens, phthalates, residual monomers, solids, pigments
- REACH: Registration status of ingredients, Candidate list substances (“SVHC”)
- Releases for food package printing
- Comparison with substance inventories: TSCA, DSL/NDSL, IECSC, AICS, PICCS etc.
- Display of food allergen sources
- MAL Code determination
- Determination of the storage class for Germany (acc. TRGS 510) and for Switzerland
Many further calculations and rule sets can be configured quickly on demand: Free OH-groups, RoHS evaluation etc.