Hazardous Substance Management NAV (HSM) is certified for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV (Navision). Thus it ensures the highest level of integration into the existing NAV solutions for the chemical industry, but is also used in combination with other ERP systems.Thanks to seamless integration many processes can be automatised, e.g.
- Classification of hazardous substances and dangerous goods etc. on certification of a production recipe,
- SDS dispatch on order posting (with region specific re-dispatch on relevant changes),
- Generation of transport documents (for ADR, IMO, IATA) on composition of a shipment.
Seamless integration into enterprise processes allows to handle in-house tasks like the generation of hazardous substance inventories, solvent balances and other evaluations by pushing a button.
HSM provides user configurable multilanguage input and -output (currently 28 languages) data structures. Apart from predefined standard documents like Safety Data Sheet or workplace instructions, enterprise specific documents like technical data sheets and conformity declarations as well as labels can be generated. Via the Flowchart Calculator (FCC) all kinds of evaluations and calculations can be configured.
HSM is delivered by default with predefined basic data structures, substance database and multilingual phrase catalogue. Software modules and data packages are configured according to the customers needs. There are also numerous additional Prosisoft Tools.
Find more information on the peerless HSM concepts in the FULL VERSION of this acticle. See also: HSM in a nutshell.
Here you can download brief information about HSM for the different NAV versions.